Caroline van Ketel who has more than 20 years experience in the área. The company has taken on a new look and with it, a new approach. If you’re looking for any advice concerning real estate you’ll find a wealth of knowledge here, Caroline has a vast knowledge of the Algarve and will help you find the property of your choice, she has great contacts of large databases of property, so if you do not see what you are looking for here, please make contact and I am sure we can assist you. HOMESTAGING We will take a fresh look at your property and will advise you on a low cost, easy ‘homestaging’ production, which could turn your house from “nice” to “I want it!!” When it’s your own home it’s sometimes difficult to see it through potential buyers eyes. With years of experience and a very good know-how of what clients nowadays are looking for, we can give you valuable advice and assistance in getting your property sold, always within your budget and most of the time using your own furniture, decorations and materials. With just simple change of colour scheme, or un-cluttering or changing some furniture or lay-out of rooms, we can transform your property to something a buyer wants.